Wednesday 14 September 2016

Another Semester

So it is currently my third year at the University of Guam, and let me just start off by saying it is the worst parking year ever. I can never really seem to find good parking since the semester started, and man, does it suck. 

Anyway, I’m only taking four classes this semester because I am also working as a server at Three Squares. I’m almost done with my GEs so that’s pretty relieving.

The weird part about the classes I’m taking is that the class I expected to like most is the class I least enjoy going to, and the class I expected to like the least is the class I’m really taking an interest in. I love art. Art is my passion; however, my intro to art class is rather dull and a bore to go to, especially since I also have it on Friday’s. The information and what I learn is great, but let’s just say the way my professor executes it is pretty mundane. English isn’t my best subject, but my literature class has really started to turn the tables for me. We always have discussions about the stories and poetry we read, and the insights and hidden messages we talk about really just amazes me sometimes. I'll go over some of them in my next blogs.

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