Tuesday 8 November 2016


So today, I finally registered for classes next semester. It took about a two week process for me to actually finalize my schedule. I kept changing my mind on the classes I wanted to take, talked to my advisor, had to change classes again, but ended up being happy with the final schedule. At first, I've decided I needed to knock out my GEs by next semester, which was only two left - my second language class and a biology class with a lab. But since I still have sophomore credits (hate how I am literally one class shy of being a junior), I had to wait a few days before actually registering and the marine biology class I wanted to take was already full in a span of 3 days. Because of that, I needed another class to be a full-time student. I was so torn choosing another class or to just be part-time because I do have to leave early next semester. My parents will be getting remarried in the Philippines for their silver anniversary. I guess it's a tradition they do in the Phiilippines for a couple's 25th year of being wedded. Their anniversary falls on May 17, which falls on finals week! But I opted to be full-time because (1) I was worried about not getting my full financial aid as a part-time student, and (2) I realized I needed the credits to catch up if I wanted to be able to try and graduate on time.

For education majors, we are required to talk to our advisor, get their signature, and register for classes in person. I used to think this was ridiculous and such a hassle. But now, I actually find that talking to an advisor upon registration is extremely helpful. My advisor for secondary education helped me realize what classes I needed to take. Since I had not declared my specialty area in Art yet (though I thought I did), she recommended that I declare a double major or a minor. I had decided to add the minor because it meets the 124 credit requirement without me having to take so many classes, but still go over the requirements for certification in art.

Since I will declare my minor in art, I would have to follow the current catalog which knocks out one class (PY202 Adolescent Psycholgy) I was going to take next semester because it is no longer needed for me. I am quite happy and excited to say I am finally starting my studio art classes! The classes are AR102 Studio for Non-Majors, AR103 Drawing 1, and AR220 Basic Ceramics. I am soooo excited for these hands on art lessons and ready to learn some new techniques to better myself as an artist and build skills and knowledge as a future art teacher. The only downside is that I am taking only four classes, including my language class, but my weekday schedule for school is FULL. Art classes are MTWTH, which is insane for just ONE class. My three art classes are four days a week! I don't know how well this is going to drain me, but art is my passion and hopefully the classes will be interesting and inspiring enough to keep me motivated.

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